Charlotte Maschke

I am a Neuroscience PhD student at McGill University and my work aims to prognosticate recovery of consciousness after traumatic brain injury. I am passionate about theories of consciousness, the intersection between neuroscience and artificial intelligence and the symbiosis of science and art.

Short Bio

I did my undergraduate studies in psychology at Technical University Dresden, Germany. A research internship in the institute for brain and mind science at National Taiwan University strengthened my intention to pursue graduate studies in a highly research focused neuroscience program. At the same time, I discovered a genuine motivation for computer science. I realized that the symbiotic relation between neuroscience and artificial intelligence is one of the greatest chances to advance in science and to develop future-leading technologies. Beyond this, I always kept my passion for philosophy and art. In 2019, I started my Masters studies at McGill University, Montreal Canada. In 2021 I did a fast track transition into the PhD program.

Currently, I am a PhD candidate working at the BIAPT Lab

I am the chair of the UNIQUE Student Affairs Committee (Union Neurosciences & Intelligence Artificielle - Québec)