Generative Art with Brain Data

Genuary 2023

Genuray is an artificially generated month of time where we build code that makes beautiful visualizations. This year, I participated in 4 days of this month with the aim of visualizing 5 minutes of my resting-state brain signal, as recorded by an electroencephalogram (EEG). Every day, another prompt is provided by the organizers. The rest is just creativity. It is the first year that I am participating and I just started learning TouchDesigner.

Day 1: Perfect loop

For day 1, I got inspired by a Moebius strip, which builds an infinite loop. Adding towards this, this Moebius strip contains some EEG spectrogram, visualizing power over frequencies.

Topic: Loop

Day 2: Made in 10 minutes

The topic was less than 10 minutes, but it rather took me an hour… The turning sculpture inside the visual is a combination of 90 channels of raw brain data, projected to three dimensions.

Topic: 10min

Day 3: Glitch Art

How would brain data look like if every recording channel would be interpreted as a colour value ? I used 3 brain electrodes as r, g and b values to define a colour and visualized a total of 100 brain electrodes

Topic: Glitch

Day 4: Intersections

How about a ball rolling in a space of EEG? Why not!

Topic: Intersections

Day 11: Suprematism

An unusual way to visualize brain data, but this is how an EEG spectrogram could look like in the style of Suprematism. It contains 1 min of brain data. The size of the shapes corresponds to power in different frequency bands.

Topic: Suprematism

The Lorenz brain

A Lorenzian Brain A Lorenzian Brain


BrainWaves EEG Brain Waves

EEG Spectrogram

Spectrogram Spectrogram